Lance Vacuum Tumbler 500 lbs, LT 30
Product ID :   Lance Vacuum Tumbler 500 lbs

Lance Vacuum Tumbler 500lbs, Model:  LT 30 

**Contact us for current pricing**


General Features

Physical Size:     Length:52 inches , Width: 31 inches , Height: 49 inches

Stainless Steel Drum Capacity: 85 gallons  or 500 lbs

Vacuum Pump Capacity:               MaximumVacuum 26" Hg

Drum Speed Range:                        1-9rpm

Timer Control:                                  STDTimer 99 hour 59 min

Electrical Power Requirement:      115 Volt 60 cycle single phase receptacle, 20 amp

Motors:                                              Variablespeed motor 6.2 amps


                Vacuum pumpmotor: 9.4 amps


**All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice

**All prices do not include shipping & handling